3Skart Website

3S Kart is a fully functional E-Commerce Website which is built upon the open Source CMS Tool (WordPress). The website displays the various products and the end user can place order on the website. This project has been built with my classmate Daniel Neil Pereira.  The 3 S stands for Shoes, Shirts and Software. Although we have also added Sports also as an extra category.  


To add E-commerce Functionality, we have integrated the E-commerce platform Woocommerce. Woocommerce allowed us to add products to the site, place orders on the site and added a E-commerce Cart, Checkout and My Account  to the Site. 

WooCommerce also allowed us to implement Inventory Management, Periodic e-mail delivery both to the administrator and the customer. We have also added Tax Management  using 12% CGST and 6% SGST.  

Razor Pay

For the site to accept payments on our site, we have integrated the site with Payment Gateway, ‘Razor Pay‘.  We chose Razor Pay over the rest of the competition because of the ability to create a Razor Pay account without the need of GSTIN Number.  

We have integrated the Razor Pay payment gateway in Test Mode so as to perform the transactions in test mode.  

Domain, Hosting and SSL

To accept Payments from customers, the site must have an SSL Certificate. Hence, we have integrated SSL Certificate from Lets Encrypt.  

To Make the final website live, we have hosted the site on Hostinger which provides cheap hosting along with a free Domain and SSL certificate. 

Project Link

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