Here Me Thumbnail

HearMe, Listen to enjoy, Listen to Learn. Is this app for kidzzz!! Noooo… you are mistaken – it’s for everyone who loves to lie on their bed and hear stories. Hearing stories is great, do you know why? Because all the drama takes place in your head. A wise man once said “Imagination and Creativity can change the world”.

HearMe is a simple Audiobook app with some amazing features. It is user-friendly and easy to use. It also has some great accessibility features that would help all, not only people with difficulties.

Group Project

This was a group project where I was responsible for handling the audio playback  and adding the various playback controls to the application and also had added the various accessibility features to the android application and also for hosting the HereMe Website on Firebase.


We had developed a website to display the various features of the application.  We had used Firebase as a platform to host our website.


We had used Firebase for Storing the various audio files and to host the HereMe Website.

Project Link

GitHub Link

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