US India Time Converter
Use this simple and efficient time zone converter to seamlessly convert time from CST, EST, or PST to Indian Standard Time (IST). Ideal for scheduling across time zones with accurate 12-hour format results.
Project Overview
The U.S. Time Converter is a progressive web app (PWA) designed to help users convert any user-specified time between the four U.S. time zones—Central Time, Eastern Time, Mountain Time, and Pacific Time—and Indian Standard Time (IST).
This project addresses the limitations of existing tools that only convert the current time. It is particularly useful for scheduling meetings and coordinating across time zones.
- Converts user-specified times between U.S. time zones and IST.
- Support for Standard and Daylight Savings Time automatically .
- Simple, responsive design built for ease of use.
- Can be installed as a PWA on mobile devices and computers for desktop- access.
- lightweight and fast, built with accessibility and optimization in mind.