Battery % Viewer Low Vision Thumbnail

People with visual impairments (Visually Impaired (VI) Community) usually find it difficult to read the battery level on their Phones/ Tablets/Computers. Battery % is one of the most important displays on their devices as it allows people to plan the usage of their devices accordingly. However, there are not many options that are suitable for people with visual impairments when it comes to viewing the Devices’ Battery Level. Currently people with visual impairments rely on the Phone/Computers low battery system notification (Usually when the Device reaches 15% or 10%) and by then it is often too late to act.

This app aims to show the battery percentage in large font and also announce the same using the device’s speaker.


Project Link

Google Play

Amazon App Store


Project Link

Windows GitHub Link


Mac App

Optimized for Mac with Apple Chip (M1, M2)

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